Pangaea Flood Video
Phase One - Splitting of the Supercontinent (Pangaea)
Phase Two - Uplift of Ocean Basins, Worldwide Flooding (massive tsunamis), and Sediment Deposition
Phase Three - Subsiding of Ocean Basins, Continental Uplift, and Torrential Drainage
When viewing the video, you are looking at a cross-section of the earth's crust, looking south to north. In the last phase of the video, North and South Americia are on the left side and Europe, Africa, and Asia are on the right; the Atlantic Basin is in the middle & the Pacific Basins are on the left and right sides.
This animation shows the rapid continental separation (horizontal rifting), uplift of ancient ocean basins, worldwide flooding (massive tsunamis) and sedimentation followed by subsidence of ocean basins counter-balanced by continental uplift (massive mountain building, or orogeny), folding of soft and pliable sedimentary Sedimentary rocks comprise fragments of other rocks that were transported and deposited by water or wind in a loose, unconsolidated form, and eventually cemented together (lithified) as sedimentary layers. Igneous rocks solidified from magma. and igneous Sedimentary rocks comprise fragments of other rocks that were transported and deposited by water or wind in a loose, unconsolidated form, and eventually cemented together (lithified) as sedimentary layers. Igneous rocks solidified from magma. layers and torrential drainage of continental floodwaters, all resulting in the erosional landscape and geologic features we observe today.
As described in Genesis 7:11-12, the supercontinent was separated, ocean basins were uplifted, and gigantic tsunamis engulfed this ancient land (40 days of flooding + 110 days of inundation = 150 days). The world remained inundated for 150 days (Genesis 7:24, 8:3) before waters began to recede. “Everything on dry land that had the breath of life…died” (Genesis 7:22, NIV). Psalm 104:6-8 describes the subsidence of ocean basins, continental uplift, and drainage (164 days mountain uplift and drainage + 150 days inundation = 314 days). Another 56 days until the earth was completely dry (Genesis 8:2-5, NIV).
A distinction should be made between Psalm 104:6-9 which refers to Noah’s Flood and Psalm 33:7 and Proverbs 8:22-31 which refer to the original creation, or the creation of Pangaea. The original oceans of creation were not “standing above the mountains” as described in Psalm 104:6 (NAS) and they were not bound by “a boundary that they may not pass over; that they may not return to cover the earth” as described in Psalm 104:9 (NAS). This covenant assured mankind there would never again be a worldwide flood (Isaiah 54:9).
According to Scripture the flood began when Noah was 600 years old (17th day, second month) and ended when Noah was 601 years old (first day of the first month)—thus, the flood lasted 314 days (based on Hebrew calendar of 30 days per month). The earth was completely dry by the 27th day of the second month (56 days later), or a total of 370 days. Mountain uplift and oceanic subsidence would have occurred during the final 164 days (314 days minus 150 days) of the flood.
Rifting (horizontal movement) was the primary operating force early in the flood but, in the latter stages, runaway subduction Subduction is the tectonic process in which a crustal plate descends beneath another plate and dives into the asthenosphereAsthenosphere is the portion of the upper mantle of the earth that consists of weak plastic rocks—a place where magma forms. It extends from a depth of about 100 kilometers to about 350 kilometers below the surface of the earth. (Plastic refers to something that is soft, or capable of being deformed or molded without fracture.). Runaway subduction is “rapid” subduction associated with the worldwide catastrophic flood. See Pangaea Flood Video in this section.played a major role in mountain building processes (vertical movement). Such phenomena have been well studied and validated by research scientists.22,23
Geomorphic evidence (global landforms) strongly supports a worldwide flood event, but such evidence has been largely ignored or misinterpreted in favor of evolution and an old earth. Supernatural creation and a young earth have not been disproved by science but have simply been rejected or ignored in favor of false assumptions and poor science. Secular geologists (as well as some misguided theologians) underestimate the God of creation and judgments. In the words of Jesus Christ, “You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God” (Matthew 22:29, NAS).