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evolution - The Greatest Deception in Modern History


"Take the Red Pill, Neo: Read This Book!  ....a must read for anyone serious about the [lack of] scientific evidence regarding evolution. it on Amazon and read it, the book "evolution - The Greatest Deception in Modern History."  Evolution: 'It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.'  Take the red pill, read this book, and discover the real world."   

This site was completed after having grown weary of false evolutionary doctrine promoted by public television, national networks and other media, and taught in our public schools. Although "evolutionary theory" does not meet the universally accepted definition of 'theory' or 'hypothesis' or, for that matter, the universally accepted defintion of 'science' (see section, Creation versus Evolution, for definitions), students continue to be taught evolution as “proven fact”—and later in life, they perpetuate this false doctrine as teachers, journalists, and parents without question.

What many people today never hear and realize is the fact that so-called evolutionary theory is not based on known scientific laws or the preponderance of scientific evidence. Rather, scientific creation, as described in the Book of Genesis, is perfectly consistent with all known scientific laws and evidence—and such evidence is overwhelming. The reality is, evolutionary doctrine is built on false assumptions and poor science. It is the greatest deception in modern history.

Why do secular scientists continue to adhere to a false evolutionary doctrine? This site provides the reasons, and summarizes much of the evidence for scientific creation. I ask any skeptical person to give this site an impartial reading before dismissing Divine creation. Also read the book, evolution - The Greatest Deception in Modern History (Scientific Evidence for Divine Creation) for a more in-depth presentation.

Consider the following evidence for Creation.

  • Evolution is contrary to the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, the Law of Biogenesis, and the Law of Causality whereas creation is consistent with such laws. These laws have always proved valid whenever tested. Many scientists believe the 2nd Law is enough to disprove evolutionary theory and is one of the important reasons why many esteemed scientists have abandoned evolutionary doctrine in favor of creationism. See chapter 2 of the book, evolution - The Greatest Deception in Modern History (Scientific Evidence for Divine Creation)
  • Students in public schools (middle schools, high schools, colleges, and universities) are taught as scientific fact that 'survival of the fittest' caused evolution of life on Earth—but this is a complete falsehood. Natural selection (or survival of the fittest, adaptation, or speciation) is, in fact, a 'thinning out process' that leads to loss of genetic information. See chapter 3 of above referenced book, section, Natural Selection and Extinction.
  • Evolution has no known biological processes or mechanisms to form higher levels of organization and complexity—gene mutations are overwhelmingly degenerative, and none are “uphill” (that is, unequivocally beneficial) in the sense of adding new genetic information to the gene pool. See chapter 3 of above referenced book, section, Are There Beneficial Mutations?
  • The probability of getting an average-size protein of left-handed amino acids (found only in living cells) by random, natural processes is zero. And the probability of getting a living cell, synonymous to the most sophisticated supercomputer yet microscopic in size, is likewise zero, and consciousness (awareness, perception) would only be expected from a Divine creator. See chapter 3 of referenced book, section Evolution - A Statistical Impossibility and pages 25, 44, 182, 215.
  • Geologic landforms and sedimentary features throughout the world are completely consistent with a worldwide flood as described in the Book of Genesis. For many esteemed geologists who have researched geologic landforms and catastrophic processes, evidence of a global flood and a young earth is indisputable. See chapters 4 and 5 of book.
  • A worldwide flood as described in Genesis 6–8 is within the boundaries of known geophysics—see Pangaea Flood Video of this website and chapter 4 of book.
  • Enormous limestone formations, huge coal and oil formations, and immense underground salt layers are indicative of a worldwide flood—not slow and gradual processes over billions of years. Such features are satisfactorily explained by a global flood and known geophysical and geochemical processes. See chapter 6 of book. 
  • There is no credible technique for establishing the age of sedimentary rock—fossil dating used to establish the age of sedimentary rock suffers from circular reasoning and guesswork, all based on the assumption of evolution. See chapter 7 of book.
  • The standard geologic and fossil column, as depicted in most science textbooks with transitional creatures evolving toward more complex forms, is utterly fictitious and misleading and does not represent the real world. In reality, it perfectly represents the aftermath of a worldwide flood. See chapter 7 of book.
  • There are no transitional fossils or living forms—there is not one single example of evolution! Evolutionists look for “the” missing link—ironically, they are in desperate search for just one! But there should be billions of examples of transitional forms with transitional structures if evolution were true, but there are none. See chapter 7 of book.
  • Irreducible complexity (IC) is another reason why evolution is impossible. A practical householod analogy is the common mousetrap—its individual parts have no transitional value or function yet the trap could not function if any of the parts were missing. A biological example is the human eye comprising the iris, pupil, cornea, sclera, lens, macula, retina, optic disk, and optic nerve. The individual parts have no value yet the eye could not function if any of the parts were missing. Amniotic  eggs and the flagellum of bacteria are other examples of IC. These and other biologic systems of the body could not have evolved piece by piece (according to Darwinian gradualism) because the entire system must be present at the start for the system to work. See Appendix B.
  • Contrary to popular belief, evidence indicates that early man was intelligent and highly skilled with an advanced social structure. There is also evidence suggesting their belief in the existence of an afterlife. See chapter 7.
  • Soft tissue with traces of red blood cells has been found in dinosaur fossils supposedly 70 to 250 million years old, but soft tissue and red blood cells have relatively short life spans. See page 175 of book.
  • Carbon-14 has been found in coal and diamonds and in deep geological strata, all supposedly hundreds of millions of years old. Researchers have been unable to find carbon (stable forms: carbon-12 and -13) without carbon-14 (unstable form). (C-14 has a relatively short life span.) See chapter 8 of book.
  • Radioisotope dating suffers from broken, unprovable assumptions. The technique is “fatally flawed”—yet scientists contend as fact what they cannot prove. See chapter 8 of book.
  • Abundant daughter isotopes are indicative of accelerated nuclear decay associated with creation (expansion, stretching out, or acceleration of the universe from an extremely hot, dense phase when matter and energy were concentrated) and a worldwide flood with massive restructuring of the earth’s lithosphere—not slow and gradual processes over billions of years. See chapter 8 of book.
  • Powerful evidences of accelerated nuclear decay in igneous rocks found worldwide are helium in zircon crystals, radiohalos and fission tracks, and rapid magnetic field reversals and decay. See chapter 8 of book.
  • Gravitational time dilation offers a credible explanation for a young earth—that is, it explains how light from the extremities of the universe has the potential of reaching the earth in a relatively short period of time (from earth's perspective). See chapter 9 of book.
  • Over a hundred geochronometers (techniques to date the earth and universe) indicate a young earth and universe, for example, carbon-14 in coal and diamonds, and lack of continental erosion, lack of ocean sediments, and lack of salt in the sea. See chapters 8 and 9 of book.

Each of these evidences, examined individually, is enough to convince most rational people that evolution is a false doctrine and the earth is, in fact, young!

Do you want to know more? Read this website and the book, evolution – The Greatest Deception in Modern History.